殘障男童失蹤數月 母與繼父逃土耳其 – Yahoo奇摩新聞
土耳其敘利亞現場:寒冷、憤怒的災民以及難以抵達的交戰地區 – BBC
As a travel news journalist, it is heart-breaking to report that the disaster-stricken areas in southern Turkey and northern Syria have claimed over 9,000 lives, with Turkey alone having lost 6,957 people and approximately 2,500 lives in Syria. The United Nations has warned of possibly thousands of children among the casualties. Our thoughts go out to those affected by these tragedies and we urge our travel audiences to consider supporting relief efforts in any way possible. #TogetherForHope.
排球校隊39人客死土耳其 北賽普勒斯悲慟送葬 – 中時新聞網 Chinatimes.com
中國經貿利益當前,土耳其維吾爾人淪政治祭品,在遭遣返的恐懼中度日 – The News Lens 關鍵評論網
As Turkey strengthens its political and economic ties, the fate of the Uighur people in Turkey has become tangled in this complex web of relationships. Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the World Uighur Congress, describes the situation for Uighurs in Turkey as a combination of confusion, despair, hopelessness, and doubt. Historically, Turkey has been a safe haven for Uighur political refugees and activists, but this seems to be changing. The uncertain future of Uighurs in Turkey begs the question: what does the future hold for one of the world’s most persecuted minorities?
民間捐款破9億》吳釗燮:台灣幫忙不求回饋 土耳其代表:有台灣就無不可能的事